Developing a Story Writing Attitude Scale for Secondary School Students

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  •  Nesime ERTAN ÖZEN
  • Erol DURAN



Attitude, Writing Story, Scale development


The aim of this study is to develop a measurement tool to measure the attitude towards story writing. Validity and reliability studies of the scale, applied to 243 secondary school students, were carried out with exploratory factor analysis, measurement of internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis. EFA revealed that the scale had three dimensions as planned in the original. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.95 in order to determine the reliability of the scale. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient was found as 0.94 in principal component analysis. In addition, the Barlett Sphericity test was significant (χ2 = 3529,500; p<0,01). Factor loads as a result of varimax rotation varies between 0.43 and 0.80. In CFA, it was stated that the standardized regression coefficients varied between 0.51 and 0.81, and that the items in each dimension had a significant predictive power. As a result of the analysis, a valid and reliable scale was obtained. In addition, the attitudes of 243 secondary school students towards story writing were investigated. As a result of the data, it was observed that students had a positive attitude towards story writing.

Author Biographies


This article is derived from the first author’s PhD dissertation entitled "Contribution of digital storytelling to 7 th Grade students' creative thinking skills", conducted under the supervision of the second author.

Corresponding Author: Nesime Ertan Özen,





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How to Cite

ERTANÖZEN, Nesime, & DURAN, E. (2022). Developing a Story Writing Attitude Scale for Secondary School Students. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(1), 84–93.


