Hybrid Classrooms: Switchers and Stayers

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  • Victoria Ingalls


Hybrid, Blended learning, Statistics courses


This mixed methods case study compiled the qualitative and quantitative grade results of 18 students enrolled in a hybrid statistics course that were given the option to switch mid-semester from hybrid to traditional seated classrooms with the same content, text, syllabus, and instructor.   Qualitative items such as rationale for switching classes and overall satisfaction for “stayers” and “switchers” were compared.  Quantitatively, the groups began with statistically significant differences and medium to large effect sizes in midterm exam grades (p < .01, d = 2.66), first project grades (p < .01, d = .608), and course grades (p < .001, d = 2.21).  After switching, the projects, exams, and course grades were no longer statistically different.   No differences were found in the two groups’ time spent online and progress on relevant objectives, further isolating the treatment variable.   Despite the improvements and relevant effect sizes, the results only focused on six switching students.   More questions must be asked of larger and broader populations before generalizations may be drawn.

Author Biography

Victoria Ingalls

Corresponding Author: Victoria Ingalls, ingallsv@tiffin.edu, Tiffin University


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How to Cite

Ingalls, V. (2014). Hybrid Classrooms: Switchers and Stayers. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 1(2), 76–85. Retrieved from https://ijcer.net/index.php/pub/article/view/18


