Pre-service ELT Teachers’ Prospective Needs and Desires for their Pre-service Teacher Education

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  • Onur ERGÜNAY



Pre-service teachers’ needs and desires, Teacher competencies, Curriculum evaluation, Professional development


The purpose of the study is to explore the voices of pre-service ELT teachers on their prospective needs and desires for their pre-service teacher education curriculum. A qualitative research was conducted with freshman and sophomore students at an ELT Department in a Faculty of Education of a public university in Turkey. To reach an in-depth understanding of participants’ knowledge, qualitative data were collected through 10 focus group discussions which 66 pre-service ELT teachers attended. Inductive analysis revealed that participants’ prospective needs are categorized under two emerging themes: (a) instructional/practical and (b) attitudinal/behavioural development. In addition, the prospective desires of them are categorized under two emerging themes: (a) instructional/practical development and (b) content development. Finally, the participants emphasize reducing the number of theoretical courses from the program and increasing practical courses instead. 

Author Biographies




The research was not funded by any public or commercial sector. Some initial findings were orally presented at Global Conference on Education and Research 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. ii Corresponding Author: Dr. Onur Ergünay,

Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi


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How to Cite

ROCHA-ERKAYA, O., & ERGÜNAY, O. (2022). Pre-service ELT Teachers’ Prospective Needs and Desires for their Pre-service Teacher Education. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 1–12.


