Comparing Preschool Curricula of Turkey and Ohio in the Context of Value Education

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  •  Perihan ULUCAN
  • Emin Tamer YENEN



Preschool, Curriculum, Early learning standarts, Values education, Turkey, Ohio


This research has been performed in order to compare the preschool education in Turkey and Ohio early learning standards and the values in the introduction and objective section of both curricula. The study was carried out using document analysis. The data collected in the research covers the Preschool Curriculum of Turkey Ministry of National Education (MNE) 2013 and the Early Learning Standards of the USA, Ohio. The programs of both countries have been accessed through their official websites. In Turkey a single and joint program, prepared by the Ministry of Education, is used in Preschool education. In the state of Ohio, preschool education institutions organize their programs according to common standards. According to the survey, the values about Atatürk and being tidy exist only in the objectives of preschool education program in Turkey. The values of conservation of resources, conservation of natural life, cultural heritage, balance, and creativity are not included in the preschool curriculum objective statements of Turkey but they are integrated in the explanations. However, these values already exist in the Ohio early learning standards. On the other hand the values such as justice, scientific thought, courage, environmental awareness, effective and efficient use of language, discipline, etc. are included in the Ohio early learning standards.

Author Biographies

 Perihan ULUCAN

Emin Tamer YENEN

Emin Tamer YENEN

Corresponding Author: Emin Tamer YENEN,

Emin Tamer YENEN


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How to Cite

ULUCAN, Perihan, & YENEN, E. T. (2022). Comparing Preschool Curricula of Turkey and Ohio in the Context of Value Education. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 23–38.


