An Action Research to Improve Change and Continuity Perception in Social Studies

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  •  Burcu SEL
  • Mehmet Akif SÖZER



Change and continuity, social studies, time skills


The purpose of this study is to develop the students’ skills of change and continuity through activities based on the objects in fourth-grade social studies. In alignment with the scope, an action research design was used in which the researcher is also the executor. A criterion sampling was used for recruitment which resulted in 17 fourth-grade students agreeing to participate in the study. Data collection tools included achievement test, open-ended questions, semi-structured interview forms, video recording and student journals. Wilcoxon signed ranks test, grading key and content analysis were used in the analysis of the data. The results of the study showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of students in object-based activities. Within the scope of change and continuity, it was seen that students can identify similarities and differences, make estimations on the perception of future time, discover the effects of sociocultural context along with change and continuity, provide chronological visual evidences, and put them in order. However, it was found that students can’t develop multiple causality relationships related to change, that they interpret causes in relation to change and continuity from a limited perspective, that they do not consider different disciplines when expressing the powerful effects of technology in change processes. 

Author Biographies

 Burcu SEL

This study is derived from the first author's doctoral thesis named "An Action Research Based on the Pedagogies of the Object for Improving Students' Skills of Change and Continuity in Social Studies".

Corresponding Author: Burcu Sel, 

Burcu SEL

Mehmet Akif SÖZER

Mehmet Akif SÖZER
Gazı University



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How to Cite

SEL, Burcu, & SÖZER, M. A. (2022). An Action Research to Improve Change and Continuity Perception in Social Studies. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 39–54.


