An Evaluation of Students Studying English Language and Literature about Transitioning to Online Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Ceyhun YÜKSELİR



ELL learners, Microsoft Teams, Online classes, Mixed-methods, COVID-19


There are ever-increasing studies about online classes and their applications in terms of benefits and deficits in transitioning to online education especially after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in the world. This study investigates the English language learners’ evaluations about transitioning to online classes in higher education in a sample of students at English language and literature (ELL) department. In addition to this, following a mixed-method design, it attempts to find out the students’ preferences whether this change about online delivery in higher education is well welcomed or not. ELL students’ preferences and evaluations were assessed through a five-point Likert survey and a focus group interview. After employing convenience sampling, 96 ELL students responded to the survey and 10 students who answered the survey participated in the focused interview voluntarily. The results showed that both groups of learners had positive evaluations about transitioning to online classes in terms of the content, delivery and structure during pandemic. The participants also thought that their professors utilized online classes effectively leading to a seamless transition to online learning for them. The implications of these findings for online classes in Turkish higher education context are discussed.

Author Biographies


Corresponding Author: Ceyhun Yükselir,

Osmaniye Korkut Ata University




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How to Cite

YÜKSELİR, C., & YUVAYAPAN, F. (2022). An Evaluation of Students Studying English Language and Literature about Transitioning to Online Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 81–91.


