The Relationship between Social Sciences High School and Science High School Students' Multiple Intelligence Levels and Learning Styles

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  • Bülent KESKİN
  • Esra ÖZAY KÖSE
  • Fadime GÜLOĞLU



Multiple intelligence, learning style, science high school, social science high school


This study which used survey model aims to examine the relationship between the multiple intelligence and learning styles of the Social Sciences High School and Science High School students. Multiple Intelligence Inventory and Learning Styles Inventory were used as data collection tools, which was conducted on 761 students from Social Sciences High School and Science High School. Mann Whitney–U test and point-biserial correlation analysis were used for data analysis. According to the findings, in the comparison of Social Sciences and Science High School types, it was found that mathematical and naturalist intelligence scores were more dominant in Science High School students. It was found that there is a statistically significant difference between the types of schools in which students attended the study in sensing/intuitive learning style. When the relationship between students' learning styles and their scores on multiple intelligence was examined, there were positive relationships, albeit low, in all four learning style dimensions. In line with these data, it is thought that the dimensions of learning style and multiple intelligence, in which individual differences manifest the most, will be considered, and it is thought that students will bring awareness of their own individual differences and individual success.

Author Biographies










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How to Cite

KESKİN, B., ÖZAY KÖSE, E., & GÜLOĞLU, F. (2022). The Relationship between Social Sciences High School and Science High School Students’ Multiple Intelligence Levels and Learning Styles. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 92–102.


