Review of Primary School English Coursebooks in Terms of Creative Writing Activities

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  • Oğuz BAL
  • Harun ŞAHİN



Creative Writing, English Teaching, Primary School, English Coursebooks


In this paper, the writing sections in Primary School English Coursebooks were reviewed to determine the creative writing activities and content analysis method was used in the context of document review. In this process, the coursebooks published by Ministry of National Education Publications and private publishing houses were both selected from each grade level. Results of the review showed that, creative writing types are not included enough in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade textbooks. Though 7th and 8th grade books have a large number of creative writing activities, they do not have enough genre types. In addition to that review, writing skill learning outcomes given in the syllabi and the writing activities in the books reviewed in this paper are also compared. After a comparison of the books of the publications was made, it is revealed that the private publishing houses’ textbooks have more types of genre than the other ones have.

Author Biographies

Oğuz BAL

Oğuz BAL (Sorumlu Yazar)




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How to Cite

BAL, O., & ŞAHİN, H. (2022). Review of Primary School English Coursebooks in Terms of Creative Writing Activities. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 152–164.


