Mapping Research on Social Studies Education in Turkey: A Bibliometric Review

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  • Önder ERYILMAZ
  • Mahmut BOZKURT
  • Celal BOYRAZ



Social studies education, Bibliometric analysis, science mapping


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the social studies education literature in Turkey through systematic bibliometric analysis. The science mapping method was employed to analyze studies. 252 studies that were extracted from the Web of Science (WoS) database were analyzed. The findings revealed that the number of studies has been dramatically increased in the last decade. Besides, It was found that the majority of publications were published in local journals. Moreover, theses produced in this field are the most cited sources in the articles. It was also concluded that even though there are 65 social studies education departments in Turkish universities, only a few numbers of them made collaborations in the publications. Besides, it was found that there are no multi-country collaborations in social studies education literature in Turkey.

Author Biographies


Corresponding Author: Önder Eryılmaz,

Amasya Üniversitesi






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How to Cite

ERYILMAZ, Önder, BOZKURT, M., & BOYRAZ, C. (2022). Mapping Research on Social Studies Education in Turkey: A Bibliometric Review. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 191–205.


