A Study of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation to Teach, and Curriculum Fidelity: A Path Analysis Model

Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation to Teach, Curriculum FidelityAbstract
The aim of this study is to test a path analysis model that examines teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, motivation to teach, and curriculum fidelity. A correlational survey model was used while designing the study. The study sample consisted of 414 teachers working in a province of Turkey during the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale, the Teachers’ Motivation to Teach Scale, and the Curriculum Fidelity Scale were all used as data collection tools. Prior to data analysis, the data set was tested for both univariate and multivariate normality; descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and path analysis were also used to test the data. Results gathered from the study show that teachers have strong self-efficacy beliefs; while they had a high level of intrinsic motivation, their extrinsic motivation was found to be at a moderate level. Based on the results of the path analysis, teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs were found to directly and indirectly predict both their motivation to teach and their curriculum fidelity. In addition, teachers’ levels of intrinsic motivation were found to predict curriculum fidelity directly, while their levels of extrinsic motivation were found to affect curriculum fidelity indirectly.
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