Investigation of the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality and Modelling Based Teaching in "Solar System and Eclipses" Unit

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  • Aslıhan BABA
  • Yusuf ZORLU
  • Fulya ZORLU



21st-Century skills, Academic achievement, Augmented reality, Attitude, Modelling based teaching method


This study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of augmented reality and modelling based teaching in the "Solar System and Eclipses" unit. The pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design model was used in this study. For three weeks, the "Solar System and Eclipses" unit of the Science course was taught to the experimental group using modelling based teaching and augmented reality applications, and, in the control group, the existing science curriculum was followed. The study group consists of 22 students who were in the 6th grade in the 2020-2021 academic year in a secondary school affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. Data collection tools in this study were administered “Academic Achievement Test”, “21st-Century Skills Scale”, and “Augmented Reality Applications Attitude Scale”. The application of augmented reality and modelling based teaching in covering the "Solar System and Eclipses" unit was positively affected students' learning and increased their levels of success, improved the 21st-century skills and improved attitudes towards augmented reality applications. Studies on the use of augmented reality applications and modelling based teaching in different Science course units of different grades of secondary school that will contribute positively to the literature are recommended.

Author Biographies

Aslıhan BABA

Corresponding Author: Yusuf Zorlu,

Aslıhan BABA


Corresponding Author: Yusuf Zorlu,

Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi




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How to Cite

BABA, A., ZORLU, Y., & ZORLU, F. (2022). Investigation of the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality and Modelling Based Teaching in "Solar System and Eclipses" Unit. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(2), 283–298.


