Action Research on Improving Students’ Conceptual Understanding in the “Force and Energy” Unit through Semantic Mapping

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Conceptual Understanding, Homework, Science Education, Semantic Mapping


This study was aimed to eliminate the difficulties in teaching the concepts and the students' conceptual understanding in the “Force and Energy” unit through semantic mapping. The study was conducted using the action research method. This study was conducted in the control group, using the existing learning method in the science curriculum, while in the experimental group, homework practices with semantic maps were added. The study sample comprised 49 students studying in the seventh grade of a public middle school affiliated with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education [MoNE] in the 2021–2022 academic year. Data collection tools in this study were administered “New Force and Energy Unit Conceptual Understanding Test”, “Semantic Mapping Evaluation Rubric”, and “Implementation Interview Form”. The study findings determined that the semantic mapping practice, applied to improve the conceptual understanding of the seventh grade middle school students focused on the concepts within the scope of the “Force and Energy” unit, had positive effects on the students. The results of the structured interview form to obtain the views of the seventh grade students participating in this study on the semantic mapping practice indicate that the students reinforced the subject, demonstrating more effective learning. Another result revealed that students had more fun and were more enthusiastic as they actively participated in the process. Our study results reveal that semantic mapping positively affects student performance and attitudes. From this perspective, the use of semantic mapping in the science education process can be expanded.


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How to Cite

Dinsever, A. B., Zorlu, Y., & Zorlu, F. (2023). Action Research on Improving Students’ Conceptual Understanding in the “Force and Energy” Unit through Semantic Mapping: . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(4), 875–892.


