Developing Writing Skills, Writing Attitudes and Motivation through Educational Games: Action Research

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  • Berrin GENÇ ERSOY
  • Derya GÖL DEDE



Writing skills, writing motivation, attitude towards writing, action research, educational game


This study aimed to improve elementary school students’ writing skills, attitudes towards writing and writing motivations through educational games. The study was designed within the scope of cooperative action research, and criterion sampling was used for the sample selection. The data collection tools included Writing Attitude Scale, Writing Motivation Scale, Analytical Rubric for Assessing Writing, interview forms, educational games and action plans. The qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed using a series of data analysis techniques. The quantitative results showed that the participants’ post-test mean scores in such dimensions of the use of educational games as attitude, motivation and writing skill development in the writing teaching process were higher than their pre-test mean scores. The qualitative results revealed that the educational games could be used as an effective technique in teaching writing in terms of developing participants’ positive attitudes towards writing, increasing their motivation, improving their writing skills and eliminating writing problems. Based on the results, it could be stated that different techniques such as educational games should take place more in the process by considering the affective factors in teaching writing.

Author Biographies


Corresponding Author: Berrin Genç Ersoy,





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How to Cite

GENÇ ERSOY, B., & GÖL DEDE, D. (2022). Developing Writing Skills, Writing Attitudes and Motivation through Educational Games: Action Research. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(3), 569–589.


