Explanation of subjective well-being from school burnout or sensation seeking: which is the biggest predictor for religious students

positive affection, negative affection, burnout, sensation seekingAbstract
The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between positive and negative emotions from subjective well being with school burnout and sensation seeking in religious students.. This is a survey or non-experimental study using a cross-sectional technique on a sample of religious students (n = 205) taken by convenience sampling. Data collection was taken with the classical arrangement of each class in the school after approval of research procedures and ethical codes from the research institute. Data were taken from the Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule scale, School Burnout Inventory and Brief Sensation-seeking. The results in this study explain that positive emotions have a negative relationship with school burnout but simultaneously a stronger positive relationship than negative emotions with school burnout. Then sensation seeking is positively related to positive emotions and it is also positively related to negative emotions, these results also provide recommendations for further research on whether sensation seeking can be a mediation to increase or decrease the relationship of two other variables such as the relationship between positive and negative variables because it supports positive and negative emotions.
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