Prospective Classroom Teachers' Reasons for Choosing the Teaching Profession and Their Preferences for Their Work Lives

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Teacher, classroom teacher, profession, career choice


This research examined the factors that affect the decision of prospective classroom teachers to choose teaching as a profession and their preferences regarding work-life. A case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was employed in this study The participants consisted of 20 prospective classroom teachers who took the teaching practice course in the 2021-2022 academic year at a state university. A semi-structured interview form was used in data collection and the data was analyzed through content analysis. Findings revealed that prospective classroom teachers' preference for the profession is influenced by their love for the profession, working conditions, love and interest shown by their former teachers, and communication with children. Their preferences are also influenced by their discovery that they can teach children something, their desire to contribute to the development of future generations by serving people in the basic education stage, their families’ supportive behaviors, and their experiences of the profession in their university years. In terms of their preferences for their work lives, most of the teacher candidates expressed a desire to become classroom teachers and work in this field, while it was found that some teacher candidates experienced dilemmas regarding their work lives due to studying or working in different fields. This research emphasizes the need to improve working conditions for teachers and develop teacher training programs that focus on teacher candidates' affective aspects.


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How to Cite

Kerimgil Çelik, S. (2023). Prospective Classroom Teachers’ Reasons for Choosing the Teaching Profession and Their Preferences for Their Work Lives. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(2), 484–502.


