The Impact of Organizational Commitment on Trainee Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

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  • Ercan Yılmaz
  • Yılmaz KILIÇ


Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational commitment


This study aims to explore the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the trainee teachers. Teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment play a significant role in the furtherance of teaching and learning perfectly. Generally, satisfied and committed teachers are more likely to motivate students to learn in the classroom settings. The participants of the research consist of 170 trainee teachers in the province of Bitlis, and its districts (Adilcevaz, Ahlat and Tatvan) in the 2015-2016 academic year. In this study, Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and Organizational Commitment Scales were used as data collection tools. The analyses of the data revealed that there was a negative relationship between job satisfaction of the teachers and continuance commitment. The analysis also showed a significant and positive relationship between job satisfaction and normative commitment. However, there was no significant relationship between job satisfaction of teachers and affective commitment sub-dimension of organizational commitment. While the levels of the sub-dimensions of organizational commitment are analyzed, it can be seen that normative and continuance commitment sub-dimensions of organizational commitment affect job satisfaction significantly, but affective commitment sub-dimension has no significant impact on job satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Ercan Yılmaz

Necmettin Erbakan University

Yılmaz KILIÇ

Corresponding Author: Yılmaz KILIÇ,, Necmettin Erbakan University


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, E., & KILIÇ, Y. (2017). The Impact of Organizational Commitment on Trainee Teachers’ Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 4(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


