The Effects of Using Peer-Led Team Learning Model in Science Courses on Students

Peer-led team learning model, PLTL, Science educationAbstract
This study aims to explore the views of the fourth-year science teaching undergraduate program students and science education master's program students regarding the effects of using the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) model in science courses on the students. The working group consisted of 56 participants, 28 undergraduate and 28 graduate students. The study deployed a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form. Content analysis was used during data analysis. The results suggested that the PLTL model have positive and negative effects on peer and leader students in terms of "learning", "motivation/attitude" and "skills". The number of participants emphasizing positive effects in both questionnaire and interview data was much higher than those referring to negative effects. In other words, more participants agreed on positive effects. Upon examining the possible positive and negative effects of the PLTL model, the positive effects were identified to be valuable for the education process, and the negative effects may be eliminated or minimized.
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