Mapping Teacher Produced Tests to a Usefulness Model

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ELT, Test Usefulness, Measurement and Evaluation, Teacher Produced Tests


Tests are designed as an integral part of the teaching process, necessarily including stakeholders from the onset of preparations to grade allocation, the administration of the test, and the interpretation of the results. The process commences with selecting content to evaluate, deciding upon the skills to be tested, and to meet course objectives (Giraldo & Murcia Quintero, 2019; O’Louglin, 2013; Vogt and Tsagari, 2014). Several questions arise in terms of how to standardize the development process and to evaluate their usefulness. Typically: What is the best test for our context? What does this test actually test?, What relevant information does the test provide?, How does this test affect teaching and learning behavior? and In what ways is the test useful?. Although each language program’s particular needs may differ, the answers given to the questions above provide a basis for institutional decisions. None are set in stone and at their root is the critical role testing plays in facilitating what gets learned. The current study initiated action to develop and analyze an achievement test specifically designed for a compulsory A1 level English course delivered to all freshmen students enrolled in Turkish-medium departments at state universities across Türkiye. 150 students who are enrolled in several undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Education at a state university constituted the universe of the study. The researcher analyzed the test after administration and mapped the qualities according to a test usefulness model aiming to address the research gap regarding quality teacher produced tests.



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How to Cite

Dogan, C. (2023). Mapping Teacher Produced Tests to a Usefulness Model . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(3), 635–648.


