Effects of the Teachers’ Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction on Their Attitude Towards Distance Learning in Turkey

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Distance learning, Online teaching, Teacher’s attitude, Job satisfaction


The COVID-19 pandemic caused an alteration in many industries. The utilisation of distance learning opportunities has rapidly increased. This study aimed to evaluate teacher attitudes towards distance learning and demonstrate the effects of their personality traits and job satisfaction on their attitudes and the relationship among these factors. This cross-sectional study was conducted through an online questionnaire. Four hundred sixty-four teachers from several schools, different units and fields of study attended the research. The data was collected via the Introductory Information Form, Attitude Scale Towards Distance Learning (ATDL), Big Five Personality Traits Scale (BFPTs), and Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). When the total points from the attitude scale towards distance learning are compared, there is no significant difference in gender, branch, institution, or working at the weekends, but age, educational background, having a child, and income satisfaction have a significant effect. There was no relation between any personality trait and attitude towards distance learning. Because variables such as age and income satisfaction affect the attitude towards distance learning, changeable variables emerge. It is essential to support older teachers in technology use. Making necessary alterations in teachers’ incomes should be considered an essential factor. The reasons for the fact that teachers still prefer in-person education should be investigated. Physical condition sufficiency can be related to the perception of distance education qualification, and a sufficient technological structure can contribute positively.


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How to Cite

Arpacıoğlu, Z. B., Arpacıoğlu, S., Ünübol, B., Büyükçorak, A., & Çakıroğlu, S. (2023). Effects of the Teachers’ Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction on Their Attitude Towards Distance Learning in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(2), 357–365. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2023.10.2.490


