A Needs Analysis Study on Interdisciplinary Gender Equality Education: Turkish Context

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Gender equality education, Mathematics teachers, Science teachers, Information technologies teachers, Middle school students, Needs analysis


The purpose of this research was to identify the needs for gender equality education. For this purpose, the views of mathematics, science and information technology teachers on the current situation of gender equality in schools were determined. In addition, the awareness of sixth, seventh and eighth grade middle school students on gender equality was examined. This study was a descriptive research conducted in a qualitative context. In data collection, interview form on teachers’ views and written view form on students’ awareness about gender equality were used. Research data were collected in the spring semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. The deductive analysis method was used in the analysis of the data. In line with the results of the research, it is thought that an interdisciplinary gender equality education will be beneficial to improve students' awareness.


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How to Cite

Turhan Türkkan, B., Karaduman, B., Arslan Namlı, N., & Karakuş, M. (2024). A Needs Analysis Study on Interdisciplinary Gender Equality Education: Turkish Context. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(1), 100–116. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2024.11.1.537


