The Mediating Roles of Smartphone Addiction and Resilience in the Relationship Between Triangling and Differentiation of Self

Triangling, differentiation of self, resilience, smartphone addictionAbstract
The current study aimed to investigate the mediating role of smartphone addiction and resilience in the relationship between triangling, and differentiation of self. The sample consisted of a total of 536 university students from 32 universities, and data were gathered using Triangular Relationship Inventory (TRI), Differentiation of Self Inventory Short Form (DSI-SF), Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and Demographic Information Form. Findings indicated that the path of triangling to smartphone addiction to resilience explained 45% of the variance in differentiation of self. Smartphone addiction has mediated the relationship between triangling and differentiation of self. However, resilience was not a significant mediator in the relationship between triangling and differentiation of self- we delineated our findings in the light of literature. Strategies (i.e., de-triangling) may help university students to overcome SPA, resulting in greater resilience and DoS.
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