The Inclusion of Cultural Diversity in Higher Education Curriculum Design

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  • Shukran Abdul Rahman
  • Azlin Alwi



Intersection of culture, Universities, Curriculum, Cultural background, International students, South East Asian countries


This paper reports findings of a study which assesses the measures taken by universities in selected South East Asian countries when developing the competencies of students from other countries. Itaddresses the link between the content of education programme and different cultural background of the society. This is to address the internationalization thrust which constitutes the participation of international students and academics in higher education-related activities. The research assesses whether education programmes have been developed to suit students’ diverse background. Four participants from four universities in four countries have been approached to gather their responses on the subject studied. The finding is expected to enlighten universities and higher education authorities on the appropriate method to design curriculum in universities which host international students.

Anahtar Kelimeler:  : Intersection of culture; Universities; Curriculum; Cultural background; International students; South East Asian countries.

Author Biographies

Shukran Abdul Rahman

Corresponding Author: Shukran Abdul Rahman,, International Islamic University Malaysia

Azlin Alwi

International Islamic University Malaysia


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How to Cite

Rahman, S. A., & Alwi, A. (2018). The Inclusion of Cultural Diversity in Higher Education Curriculum Design. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(2), 87–94.


