Becoming Socially Responsible: The Implementation of Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning

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  • Azlin Alwi
  • Ruhaya Hussin



Project oriented problem-based learning, Psychology, Teaching and learning


Project-oriented problem based learning (POPBL) is an alternative approach to innovative teaching and is widely implemented in the classroom. However, little information is gathered pertaining to its implementation in psychology-related subjects. The present study is guided by two objectives: 1) to examine students’ perception of this type of approach, and (2) to determine whether students’ perception improves after the implementation of POPBL. 103 participants aged between 18-24 years old (M = 21.91, SD = 2.14) participated in this study. A measure, named the Students’ Learning Experience Scale (SLES) was constructed to determine participants’ perception of their learning in five aspects: (1) acquired knowledge, (2) soft skills, (3) contribution and engagement, (4) sustainability; and (5) assessments. The results from the present study suggested that the POPBL was indeed highly acceptable and favored by all students. A paired t-test was also conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach on students’ scores on the SLES. The results show that there was a significant difference in the scores for students’ perception of the course before (M = 4.15, SD = .45) and after (M = 4.41, SD = .40); t(87) = (-4.05). p = .000. These findings were further discussed with respect to the current literature on teaching and learning approaches, and the significant implications in developing effective pedagogic strategies.

Author Biographies

Azlin Alwi

Corresponding Author: Azlin Alwi,, International Islamic University Malaysia

Ruhaya Hussin

International Islamic University Malaysia


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How to Cite

Alwi, A., & Hussin, R. (2018). Becoming Socially Responsible: The Implementation of Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(2), 103–112.


