Chat GPT and Creative Writing: Experiences of Master's Students in Enhancing

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Artificial ıntelligence, Chat GPT, Creative writing, Master's level


Improving writing skills at all levels of education is a fundamental goal of education. ChatGPT, as an artificial intelligence-based language model, is recognized as a significant tool in the development of this skill. The primary objective of this research is to describe the impact of ChatGPT on the creative writing processes, as perceived by master's students. In line with this goal, the research utilizes the semi-structured interview technique as part of qualitative data collection methods. The study group comprises master's students enrolled in a teacher training program at a state university in the Central Anatolia Region during the 2022-2023 academic year. The study group is formed through purposive sampling. Data related to the research are obtained through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. The collected data are analyzed using content analysis, a method frequently employed in qualitative research. Accordingly, the research findings indicate that ChatGPT is an effective tool in enhancing creative writing skills. It accelerates the writing process for students, provides them with new ideas, and boosts their writing motivation.


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How to Cite

Elkatmış, M. (2024). Chat GPT and Creative Writing: Experiences of Master’s Students in Enhancing. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(3), 321–336.


