The Effect of Online Entrepreneurial Project Training on the Individual Innovativeness of Pre-service Science Teachers

Entrepreneurial project, Individual innovativeness, Online entrepreneurship education, Science teacher educationAbstract
The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of online entrepreneurial project training on the individual innovativeness of pre-service science teachers. The pilot study and basic study of this research consisted of 11 stages. The pilot study was conducted with 24 third-grade pre-service science teachers, and the basic study was conducted with 33 fourth-grade pre-service science teachers. The research was conducted according to a one-group pre-test and post-test experimental design. The individual innovativeness scale was used in the pre-test and post-test of the pilot and basic study. As an intervention, the online entrepreneurial project training was performed for pre-service science teachers by the researcher-author. While online entrepreneurship project training positively affected the individual innovativeness of pre-service science teachers (large effect), this effect was not observed in the pilot study. In addition, after the implementation of the basic study, the transition of pre-service science teachers from their lower innovativeness categories to upper categories that adapt to innovation is higher (innovators and early adopters). According to these results, one of the ways to improve the individual innovativeness of pre-service science teachers is through entrepreneurial project training.
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