Experiences of Parents of Children with Special Needs in the Process of Receiving Reports from Guidance and Research Centers

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Special needs, Guidance and research centers, Parental experiences, Evaluation processes, Qualitative interviews


This qualitative study, using a phenomenological approach, explores parents' experiences in Turkey of obtaining reports from Guidance and Research Centers for their children with special needs. Through semi-structured interviews with 25 parents, findings reveal concerns over the adequacy of assessment tools and the assessment duration. While many parents are satisfied with the outcomes, discrepancies in the accuracy of assessments and placement decisions raise questions. The study underscores the need for improved communication between sectors and informed parental involvement, suggesting enhancements in assessment tool diversity and evaluation periods.


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How to Cite

Gülay, A., Cumalı, E., & Cumalı, D. (2024). Experiences of Parents of Children with Special Needs in the Process of Receiving Reports from Guidance and Research Centers. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(3), 337–353. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2024.11.3.638


