Integrating "Talking Images" in Education: A Case Study

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İnnovation, Talking İmages, Education, Multimedia, Didactic


The era of innovation in education is well underway. Effective practices demonstrate the power of technology in motivating students and improving learning outcomes. This paper examines the integration of the talking image, a new and innovative technology, into the educational process. It also sets out the methodology and the educational benefits resulting from its use. This technology combines visual and auditory elements and is an effective tool for language education, suitable for students with learning difficulties. It can be applied in various educational contexts, from science and mathematics to art, and can enrich a simple narrative or provide personalized content. This paper is a significant contribution to the field, serving as a valuable resource for educators interested in integrating cutting-edge technologies into their pedagogical practices. New research in this direction should be done on the pedagogical use of talking pictures in education and the new frameworks for their integration.


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How to Cite

Mavropoulou, E., Koutsoukos, M., Terzopoulos, D., Fragoulis, I., & Oikonomou, A. (2024). Integrating "Talking Images" in Education: A Case Study. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(3), 354–362.


