Exploring the Dynamics of Academic Life Satisfaction of Undergraduate Students in Ghana: Confirmatory Factor and Latent Profile Analyses

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  • Bosomtwe Michael University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ghana https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8762-2587
  • Grace Ama Ampong University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Ghana




Academic life satisfaction, Personal satisfaction, Confirmatory Factor analysis, latent class analysis.



This study examined the academic life satisfaction of undergraduate students at the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) in Ghana. It aimed to measure students’ personal satisfaction and satisfaction with their academic environment and identify their homogeneous profiles. A cross-sectional research design was adopted, with participants selected through convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 370 participants: 211 males (57.0%) and 159 females (43.0%), aged 16 to 37 years (M = 21.4, SD = 3.10). All participants completed the Students' Academic Life Satisfaction Scale (SALSS), and the data were analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and latent profile analysis. The CFA results showed a statistically significant positive covariance between the Satisfaction with Academic Environment (SAE) and Personal Satisfaction (PSA) factors, with an estimate of 0.579 (SE = 0.045, Z = 12.9, p < .001, standardised estimate = 0.579). Latent profile analysis (LPA) was employed to identify subgroups of students with distinct patterns of academic environment and personal satisfaction. A four-class solution was examined, revealing four groups: low satisfaction (12.6%), moderate satisfaction (15.7%), high satisfaction (54.9%), and mixed feelings (7.8%). The study recommends the university should enhance students’ academic advising, counselling, and peer mentoring to help students, especially those with lower satisfaction levels, adjust to campus life and feel more connected to the university community


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How to Cite

Michael, B., & Ampong , G. A. (2025). Exploring the Dynamics of Academic Life Satisfaction of Undergraduate Students in Ghana: Confirmatory Factor and Latent Profile Analyses. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 12(1), 90–101. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2025.12.1.746


