The Role of Self-Esteem in Predicting Pedagogical Formation Students’ Career Adaptabilities

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  • Mehmet BOYACI



Career adaptability, Self-esteem, Teacher education, Career counseling, pre-service teacher


The rapid changes in life standards and technology affect the social lives of individuals as well as world of work, job finding, work environments and career development. This rapid change also affects individuals' career adaptabilities, professional success and competences. Teaching profession is also affected by these changes. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between pedagogical formation students’ career adaptability and self-esteem. A total of 235 volunteering pedagogical formation students who graduated from different faculties and received pedagogical formation education, including 190 females and 45 males, participated in this study. In order to collect data in the study, Personal Information Form (PIF), Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) and Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale (SLSC) were applied to the participants. The findings of the analyses show that there is a significant and positive relationship between career adaptabilities, self-liking and self-competence. Additionally, in the analysis conducted in order to test the predictability of the career adaptabilities by self-liking and self-competence, they were found to be significant predictors of the pedagogical formation students’ career adaptabilities (R2= .37, p < .01). The findings of the research revealed the need for career counseling once again.

Author Biography


A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the ERPA International Congress on Education that was held in İstanbul, Turkey on 28 June-1 July, 2018. † Corresponding Author: Mehmet Boyacı,,



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How to Cite

BOYACI, M. (2022). The Role of Self-Esteem in Predicting Pedagogical Formation Students’ Career Adaptabilities. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 205–214.


