Representation of Algebraic Reasoning in Sets through Argumentation

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  • Tugba Uygun
  • Pinar Guner



Algebraic reasoning, Argumentation, Representation of algebraic reasoning, sets


The purpose of the current study is to examine the ways in which preservice middle school mathematics teachers (PMSMT) apply and represent algebraic reasoning in their solution processes for the problems in the concept of sets. This model provides detailed information about the reasoning made through the process of the solution of set problems. The study group of this case study was composed of 20 preservice mathematics teachers. The data were collected through written documents and whole class discussions. Based on the findings of the study, three ways to represent algebraic reasoning in sets emerged; context-based representation of algebraic reasoning, generalization-based representation of algebraic reasoning and formulization-based representation of algebraic reasoning. These ways determined based on the argumentations that they formed. They produced different warrants since they reasoned differently.

Author Biographies

Tugba Uygun

Corresponding Author: Tugba Uygun,, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University

Pinar Guner

Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa


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How to Cite

Uygun, T., & Guner, P. (2022). Representation of Algebraic Reasoning in Sets through Argumentation. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 215–229.


