A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Some Factors on Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills

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  • Metin KAYA
  • Abdullah Selvitopu




Classroom management skill, personal, professional, organizational, factors, meta analysis


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of personal, professional and organizational factors on teacher’s classroom management skills in the Turkish context. Meta-analyses were performed to find out the effect sizes and understand the trend in substantive findings across classroom management skills studies. Data consisted of articles, master theses, and dissertations which were retrieved from the Turkish Higher Education Council (THEC) National Theses Center, ULAKBIM (a database for articles indexed by TUBITAK-ULAKBIM), THEC Academic, and Google Scholar databases. The main dataset in this study consisted of 59 independent studies. Findings revealed that the effect of personality traits of teachers, professional, and organizational factors on teachers’ classroom management skills was found at medium level. Emotional traits of teachers’, sub-dimension of personality traits, produced a greater effect size than cognitive skills and personality type. Teachers, who feel satisfied with their job, work in a positive school climate, get motivated by their top managers and share common values and culture with their colleagues, tend to use CMSs more effectively. While occupational burnout, low teaching performance, and poor organizational communication have a negative but significant effect, job satisfaction, school climate, organizational motivation, shared organizational values and rules have a moderately positive and significant effect on teachers’ CMSs. 

Author Biographies

Metin KAYA

Corresponding Author: Abdullah Selvitopu, aselvi@kmu.edu.tr, Bayburt University



Abdullah Selvitopu

Corresponding Author: Abdullah Selvitopu, aselvi@kmu.edu.tr, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University



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How to Cite

KAYA, M., & Selvitopu, A. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Some Factors on Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 409–425. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.621313


