Reactions Victims Display Against Cyberbullying: A Cross-cultural Comparison

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  • Bahadır ERİŞTİ



Cyber Victimization, Cyber Victims’ Reactions, Cross Cultural Reacting Behaviors to Cyberbullying, Cyberbullying, Internet Usage


This research aims to examine behavioral reactions that victims display against cyberbullying through a cross-cultural comparison standpoint. The research data have been collected from 161 participants from different countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Syria; and all of them continue their undergraduate studies in Turkey. Some of the noteworthy findings are as follows: revenge behaviors adopted by victims of cyber-bullying differ at a statistically significant level across the gender variable. On the other hand, reactions such as precautions, dialogue, and avoidance do not vary significantly across genders. Comparisons among nationalities indicate that seeking vengeance from the bully, looking for ways to build dialogue with the bully, and avoiding behaviors employed by victims from different cultures also differ at a statistically significant level. However, one reaction, precautions, does not bear a statistically significant variance value across different nationalities. Based on the findings of the current study, strategies to overcome cyber aggression can be associated with cultural aspects.

Author Biography

Bahadır ERİŞTİ

Corresponding Author: Bahadır Erişti,, ANADOLU UNIVERSITY



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How to Cite

ERİŞTİ, B. (2022). Reactions Victims Display Against Cyberbullying: A Cross-cultural Comparison. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 426–437.


