The Educational Beliefs of Pre-Service Teachers as an Important Predictor of Teacher Identity

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  • Eray EĞMİR
  • Sevcan ÇELİK 



Teacher identity, Educational beliefs, Pre-Service teachers


This study aims to determine the relationship between the educational beliefs and teacher identity of pre-service teachers from all grade levels of four different departments at Afyon Kocatepe University. Besides, to what extent the educational beliefs predict their teacher identity is also examined. The research is conducted using the correlational survey model. The sample of the study consists of 324 pre-service teachers who are studying in all grades at Afyon Kocatepe University. In the data collection process, “Education Belief Scale” developed by Yılmaz, Altınkurt and Çokluk (2011) and “Early Teacher Identity Measure” developed by Friesen and Besley (2013) and adapted into Turkish by Arpacı and Bardakçı (2015) is used. In line with the findings, the pre-service teachers' dominant educational philosophies are identified as existentialism, progressivism, re-constructionism, perennialism, and essentialism, respectively. There is a significant and positive relationship between educational beliefs and teacher identities, except for essentialist belief. The results suggest that the pre-service teachers' educational beliefs and teacher identities differ significantly in terms of gender, grade and department variables. Additionally, while the prediction model is significant, progressivist educational belief is found out to be the most important dimension in the model that explains the teacher identity. These four educational beliefs, together, account for 23% of the change in teacher identity level of pre-service teachers. 

Author Biographies




Sevcan ÇELİK 


Sevcan ÇELİK  


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How to Cite

EĞMİR, E., & ÇELİK , S. (2022). The Educational Beliefs of Pre-Service Teachers as an Important Predictor of Teacher Identity. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 438–451.


