Problems and Solutions concerning English Language Preparatory Curriculum at Higher Education in View of ELT Instructors

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  • Derya Uysal



EFL, Preparatory curriculum, Higher education, Problems and solutions, ELT instructors


This study aims to explore the problems and the solutions concerning the English language preparatory curricula implemented at Eskişehir Osmangazi University, School of Foreign Languages according to ELT instructors. Participants of the study are 50 ELT instructors teaching English language in three different proficiency levels (A1, A2, B1). Case study, a qualitative research method, was adopted in the study and self-report method (written reports) was used to gather the data. Deductive, or top-down approach, was used to analyze the qualitative data. The results of the study reveal that the problems and the solutions as to the curriculum are analyzed under four themes that are objectives, teaching materials, assessment and evaluation and general structure. Concerning the objectives, lack of clarity and control of the objectives are among the problems. The problems as to course book, additional materials and writing pack are analyzed under the second category that is teaching materials while the problems regarding midterms, quizzes, project works, writing portfolios, and class performance grade are analyzed under the third category that is assessment and evaluation. Last, three sub-categories as to general structure are as follows: physical problems, problems as to number and level of students in the classrooms and administrative problems. Solutions to the problems are suggested.


Anahtar Kelimeler

EFLPreparatory curriculumHigher educationProblems and solutionsELT instructors

Author Biography

Derya Uysal

Corresponding Author: Derya Uysal,, ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY



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How to Cite

Uysal, D. (2022). Problems and Solutions concerning English Language Preparatory Curriculum at Higher Education in View of ELT Instructors. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 452–467.


