A Phenomenological Research on the Evaluation of Teacher Candidates from the Perspective of School Administrators

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  • Abdullah BALIKÇI




School administrator, Qualitative research, Teacher candidate


Teacher candidate education is an important stage in the education system. In this research, it was aimed to reveal teacher candidates from the perspective of school administrators. In the research, phenomenological design, a qualitative research method, was used. The participants of the study were ten school administrators who work in state schools. Criterion sampling and chain sampling were adopted. Interviews, observations and documents were used as data sources. Descriptive analysis was used for data analysis. In the reliability-validity phase of the research, data diversity, extensive field work, external audit and direct quotation strategies were used. According to the research data, three themes emerged. These were thoughts on teacher candidate, effect of environmental factor on teacher candidates, effect of school administration on training teacher candidates. In the last part of the research, suggestions for both practitioners and researchers were presented.

Author Biography

Abdullah BALIKÇI

Corresponding Author: Abdullah Balıkçı, abdullah.balikci@istanbul.edu.tr, İstanbul University




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How to Cite

BALIKÇI, A. (2022). A Phenomenological Research on the Evaluation of Teacher Candidates from the Perspective of School Administrators. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 468–482. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.563490


