Exploring the Effect of Collaborative Learning on Teacher Candidates’ Intentions to Use Web 2.0 Technologies

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  • Erhan ÜNAL




Web 2.0 technology, structural equation modeling, teacher candidate, acceptance


The purpose of this study was to examine teacher candidates’ pre and post intentions to use web 2.0 technologies for teaching before and after a collaborative learning process. An extended TAM was used in the current study. This study was designed as a one-group pretest-posttest design with 56 teacher candidates. In the experiment process, the instructor taught the design principles and how to use and design instructional materials with selected web 2.0 technologies. Then the teacher candidates worked in small groups to design the instructional materials with web 2.0 technologies. The data collection tool was administered before and after the experiment. Data were analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results indicated that 4 of the 7 hypotheses were supported in the pre-acceptance model while all hypotheses were accepted in the post-acceptance model. The proposed model can be used as an appropriate framework for examining factors influencing teacher candidates’ intentions to use web 2.0 technologies for teaching.

Author Biography

Erhan ÜNAL

Corresponding Author: Erhan ÜNAL, eunal@aku.edu.tr

Erhan ÜNAL


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How to Cite

ÜNAL, E. (2022). Exploring the Effect of Collaborative Learning on Teacher Candidates’ Intentions to Use Web 2.0 Technologies. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.736876


