Computer-Aided Argument Mapping for Improving Critical Thinking: Think Better! Discuss Better! Write Better!

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  • Elif Sönmez
  • Büşra Nur ÇAKAN AKKAŞ



Argument map, Argumentation Based Inqiry, Critical Thinking Skill and Disposition, Argumentation


The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of the use of computer-aided argument maps as a tool to promote prospective teachers’ critical thinking skills and dispositions. In this regard, qualitative research method was used in the study. The data of the research were collected through semi-structured interviews. Study group consists of 30 senior prospective teachers from three different classes studying science teaching at a university in Turkey in 2017-2018 academic year. At these three classes mentioned, individual and collaborative argument maps were created in addition to the ABI (Argumentation-based inquiry) activities. The study group was formed on a volunteer basis with 10 students from each class who were selected from, their course performances into consideration. A computer software was used to create the argument maps. Data obtained from interviews were analyzed through NVIVO program. The results obtained indicated that critical thinking skill sub-dimensions such as explanation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, Self-correction and critical thinking disposition sub-dimensions such as questioning the reliability of sources, being open and fair-minded, being respectful of differences were emphasized more in the group in which the prospective teachers performed computer-aided, individual and collaborative mapping rather than the group in which only ABI activities were performed.

Author Biographies

Elif Sönmez

Corresponding Author: Elif Sönmez,







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How to Cite

Sönmez, E., ÇAKAN AKKAŞ, B. N., & KABATAŞ MEMİŞ, E. (2022). Computer-Aided Argument Mapping for Improving Critical Thinking: Think Better! Discuss Better! Write Better!. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 291–306.


