The Relationship between Authentic Leadership and Work Engagement

Authentic, Leadership, Engagement, Administrator, TeacherAbstract
The purpose of this research to examine the relationship between the authentic leadership behaviors of the school administrator and the work engagement of the teachers, according to the perceptions of the teachers of secondary school. The research was designed in the relational survey model and carried out with 300 teachers. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used in the research. As a result of the research, it was found that teachers’ general perceptions of authentic leadership of school administrators was relatively high and the highest level on balanced processing. Teachers’ general perceptions work engagement was relatively high and the highest level on dedication. Positive, medium and low-level relationships were found between authentic leadership and work engagement. According to teachers, the authentic leadership of school administrators significantly predicted teachers’ perceptions of work engagement. Based on these findings it has been proposed to various suggestions have been put forward such as protect and increase the authentic leadership behaviors of school administrators and teachers’ work engagement levels.
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