The Relationship Between School Principals’ Personality Traits and Spiritual Leadership Level

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Administrator, Leadership, Personality, Spiritual


The research was designed in the relational survey model to reveal the relationship between school administrators’ personalities and their spiritual leadership levels. The study was conducted with 160 school administrators. The Spiritual Leadership Scale and Five Factor Inventory were used. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. School administrators showed personality traits related to the highest conscientiousness and the lowest neuroticism. School administrators exhibited the highest level of altruistic love, the lowest level of vision and faith in spiritual leadership. The spiritual leadership levels of school administrators on the basis of dimensions and in general were relatively high. The spiritual leadership levels of school administrators differed according to seniority and managerial position in the vision and faith dimensions. Positive and negative relationships at low and medium levels were found between the personality traits of school administrators and their spiritual leadership levels. Personality traits of school administrators affect their vision and faith, altruistic love and general spiritual leadership.


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How to Cite

GÜNAY SÜLE, G., & KIRAL, E. (2022). The Relationship Between School Principals’ Personality Traits and Spiritual Leadership Level. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(4), 857–872.


