The Effect of Using Cryptology on Understanding of Function Concept

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  • Ramazan EROL
  • Elif SAYGI



Function, Cryptology, Encryption, Mathematics teachers candidates


The aim of the study is to teach the concept of function by using cryptology and to examine whether it provides support to students who have difficulty in integrating this subject into daily life. The study group of the study consisted of 50 primary school teachers in elementary mathematics teaching department of a public university in Ankara. Since the research was aimed to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of using cryptology in teaching the basic function concept, qualitative data were collected and analyzed. The data collection tool of the study is a achievement test consisting of 10 questions prepared by observer researcher, practicing researcher and evaluation expert. This achievement test was applied as both pre-test and post-test. In terms of functions, only the definition of function, inverse function, one-to-one function, set of values-set of definition, set of images and cryptography about where functions can be used in daily life were utilized. As a result of the study, it was concluded that pre-service teachers' awareness about function increased and it was advantageous and possible to use cryptology to connect functions with daily life.

Author Biographies

Ramazan EROL

This study is part of master thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Cryptography on Understanding the Concept of Function” by first author conducted in supervisor of second author. ** Corresponding Author: Ramazan Erol,

Ramazan EROL 




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How to Cite

EROL , R., & SAYGI, E. (2022). The Effect of Using Cryptology on Understanding of Function Concept. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(4), 80–90.


