A Model of Well-Being to Protect Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Ahmet KARA




COVID-19 pandemic, resilience, hope, psychological well-being, teacher


In this study; a structural model for the psychological well-being of teachers in the beginning epidemic of COVID-19 has been constructed and it is aimed to examine the mediating role of hope in the relationship between psychological resilience and psychological well-being. A total of 1059 teachers serving in Turkey, 729 female (%68.8) and 330 male (%31.2), whose ages vary between 21 and 62 (▁X=35.83; SD=9.17), participated voluntarily in this study. Brief resilience scale, dispositional hope scale and psychological well-being scale were used for data collection. Testing the hypothetically determined model was carried out with the Structural Equation Modeling technique and the significance of its indirect effects was assessed by bootstrapping analysis. As a result, a structural well-being model has been obtained for teachers to protect their mental health and it was proved that hope has a full mediating role in the relationship between psychological resilience and psychological well-being in this research.

Author Biographies

Ahmet KARA

Corresponding Author: Ahmet Kara, ahmetkara9126@gmail.com

Ahmet KARA




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How to Cite

KARA, A., & KALAY USTA, T. (2022). A Model of Well-Being to Protect Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(4), 102–115. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.883395


