Development of Test-Taking Strategies Scale: High School and Undergraduate Form

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  • Emine Burcu TUNÇ
  • Selma ŞENEL



Scale development, Likert type, Partial Credit Model,, Test-taking strategies, est skilss


Test-taking strategies are discussed in the literature as an important factor affecting test scores, and are recommended to be taken into consideration regarding the validity of tests. Although studies have been conducted for more than a quarter of a century, no agreement has yet been reached as to the dimensions of test-taking strategies. The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable test-taking strategies scale for undergraduate and high school students who experience intensive exam periods. In the scale prepared for this purpose, we consider tests containing different item types and focus on pre-test, during-test and post-test strategies, excluding test-preparation. Two separate forms of test-taking strategies at high school (27 items) and undergraduate levels (18 items) were developed using promising measurement theories and models. Results indicated that the Person Separation Index, as a reliability index, was calculated as .88 for the high-school form and .93 for the undergraduate form. This study is significant in presenting valid and reliable tools for measuring test-taking strategies, and is considered an exemplary research that uses Partial Credit Model for Likert-type scale development.

Author Biographies

Emine Burcu TUNÇ

Corresponding Author: Emine Burcu Tunç,

Emine Burcu TUNÇ
Marmara University


Balıkesir University


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How to Cite

TUNÇ, E. B., & ŞENEL, S. (2022). Development of Test-Taking Strategies Scale: High School and Undergraduate Form. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(4), 116–129.


