An Examination of Teachers' Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Supporting the Reading Comprehension Skills of Children with Learning Disabilities
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Learning disability, learning strategies, teacher training, reading difficulties, metacognitionAbstract
Metacognitive reading strategies are to facilitate the reading process of students, to give them the chance to monitor and control the reading process, and to regulate the reading process. While many typically developing children can gain these cognitive processes, children with learning disabilities (LD) have difficulties. They also have more limited memory than typically developing children. It is an effective method in making it easier for children with limited memory and learning difficulties to remember the information in the text and thus increasing their understanding. The most effective people in teaching metacognitive reading strategies are teachers. Teachers' knowledge level of metacognitive strategies affects the reading comprehension success of students with LD (Oslund et al., 2016). Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to examine the views of teachers on the teaching of metacognitive reading strategies to improve the reading comprehension of children with LD. The “Metacognitive Reading Strategy Usage Scale” (MRSUS) developed by Özen and Durkan (2016) was used to evaluate the teaching of metacognitive reading strategies that teachers used to improve reading comprehension. MRSUS is a tool that evaluates a set of strategies that children use before, during, and after reading. MRSUS scores of 204 teachers participating in the study were examined. Got results; presented in the findings section.
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