The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Procrastination Behavior: The Moderator Role of Gender and Grade Level

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  • Saadet Aylin YAĞAN



Academic procrastination, metacognitive awareness, moderator variable, regression analysis, university students


The purpose of this research is to reveal the relationship between university students' metacognitive awareness (MA) and academic procrastination (AP) levels. In addition, the moderator effects of gender and class level (CL) in this relationship have been examined. Quantitative research method was adopted in the research. As research designs, descriptive and associational designs were used. The sample of the research consisted of 375 undergraduate students studying at Gaziosmanpaşa University. Demographic Information Survey, Metacognitive Awareness Scale, and Academic Procrastination Scale were used as data collection tools. At the end of the study, it was found that students have a low level of academic procrastination behavior and a moderate to high level of cognitive awareness. There is a moderate, negative, and statistically significant relationship between academic procrastination behavior and metacognitive awareness. Metacognitive awareness is a significant variable in predicting academic procrastination. 17.8% of the variance in academic procrastination behavior is explained by metacognitive awareness. As metacognitive awareness increases, there is a statistically significant decrease in academic procrastination behavior. The moderator roles of gender and class level in this relationship are not statistically significant.

Author Biography

Saadet Aylin YAĞAN

Corresponding Author: Saadet Aylin Yağan,

Saadet Aylin YAĞAN


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How to Cite

YAĞAN, S. A. (2022). The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Procrastination Behavior: The Moderator Role of Gender and Grade Level. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(3), 532–542.


