Trends of Game-Based Learning in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Review

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  • Zeynep Bahar ERŞEN
  • Ebru ERGÜL



Game, Game based learning, Mathematics education, Systematic review


Teaching mathematics through games is one of the most preferred methods in mathematics education today, just as it was in the past. For this reason, studies discussing the concepts of mathematics education and games are proceeding with increasing momentum. In this study, research studies conducted between 2017-2021 on games and mathematics teaching were analyzed using qualitative methods within the framework of certain criteria, and the trend shown by the studies was determined. In this way, a guide for future studies was also provided. For this reason, the research was carried out in accordance with a systematic review approach. Within the scope of the study, 80 research studies were examined. As a result of the research, it was seen that the most publications were made in 2019 and were of the article type, that studies aimed at determining effect gained importance, and that in the methodological context, quantitative studies were frequently preferred and experimental designs were used accordingly. Furthermore, it was seen that secondary school students were mostly preferred as participants, that the most used type of game was digital computer games, that the games were mostly associated with the “numbers and operations” learning area, and that the research studies mainly achieved positive results for the use of games in mathematics education.

Author Biographies

Zeynep Bahar ERŞEN

Zeynep Bahar ERŞEN


A part of this study was presented online in “12th International Congress on Social Sciences-Humanities and Education” in İstanbul.

Corresponding Author: Ebru Ergül,



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How to Cite

ERŞEN, Z. B., & ERGÜL, E. (2022). Trends of Game-Based Learning in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(3), 603–623.


