Investigation of Effective Teaching According to Pre-Service Teachers’ Views and Their Teaching Methods

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Effective teaching; Pre-service teacher; Teaching methods; Teaching practicum course


The study examined how prospective teachers defined effective teaching; the methods and techniques used by pre-service teachers during their teaching practicum and their reasons to use; and how these instructional techniques fit specific teaching principles. The participants in this study were 18 university seniors registered in the Elementary Education Department at a state-university. The data were obtained from an Information Form completed by participating pre-service teachers, their prepared lesson plans, video recordings of practicum teaching experiences, and observation notes. Collected data were analysed through descriptive analysis. Findings showed that pre-service teachers often mentioned following a student-centred approach. They emphasized the roles of an effective teacher as using different teaching methods, techniques and materials as well as guiding students, making learners more active and paying attention to students’ individual differences. In terms of students’ roles in effective teaching, they mentioned students should actively participate in class, take responsibility for learning, think critically, and transfer their learning to new situations. It was determined that pre-service teachers had sufficient knowledge in the selection of methods and techniques. Pre-service teachers frequently included the 5E learning cycle model, question-answer and drama methods in their lessons. Suggestions were provided based on research findings.


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How to Cite

Bayraktar, A., & Demirhan Iscan, C. (2024). Investigation of Effective Teaching According to Pre-Service Teachers’ Views and Their Teaching Methods. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(3), 293–308.


