Effects of Elementary School Teachers’ Background Variables on Their Educational Beliefs and Different Types of Computer Use

Teachers’ background variables, Teachers’ educational beliefs, Different types of computer useAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether teachers’ background variables affect teachers’ educational beliefs and different types of computer use. In addition, this study explored the relationship between teachers’ educational beliefs and different types of computer use. The participants in this research were 180 elementary school teachers, including 56 males and 124 females, in central-west Taiwan. A questionnaire was developed for the purpose of collecting relevant information. Moreover, descriptive statistics, factorial analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and product-moment correlation were used as the methods of statistical analysis. To understand elementary school teachers’ attitude toward and perception of teachers’ educational beliefs and different types of computer use, the researchers interviewed 18 teachers in the process of collecting the questionnaires as well. The results indicated that teachers’ educational degrees affected teachers’ educational beliefs, while teachers’ educational degrees, teaching years, positions, number of classes, and the frequency of technology integration affected different types of computer use. The results of the questionnaire and interviews demonstrated that teachers’ educational beliefs were correlated with different types of computer use. Based on the findings, some implications are considered to be of help to elementary school teachers and educators.
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