The Mediator Effect of Stress on Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs and Job Satisfaction

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  • Müslim Alanoğlu
  • Songül KARABATAK



Teacher, Teacher self-efficacy, Stress, Job satisfaction


This research aimed to determine the role of stress as a mediator in the effect of teachers’ self-efficacy on their job satisfaction. To achieve this aim, correlational model was used in the research. The population of the research consists of the teachers working in the schools in Elazığ province in Turkey in the academic year of 2017-2018. Simple random sampling method was used to identify the teachers who would participate in the research and 310 teachers were reached in this context. "Stress Scale", "Job Satisfaction Scale" and "Teacher Self-efficacy Scale" were used to collect data. The predictive and mediating relationships between job satisfaction, stress, and teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs were examined by Structural Equation Model (SEM). The simple mediation model was used in SEM. Research results show that teachers’ self-efficacy (innovative behavior, coping behavior) has a positive effect on job satisfaction and stress has a negative effect on job satisfaction. Moreover, the stress is a mediator for teachers’ self-efficacy variable in explaining job satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Müslim Alanoğlu

Corresponding Author: Müslim Alanoğlu,, FIRAT UNIVERSITY, 0000-0003-1828-4593, Türkiye




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How to Cite

Alanoğlu, M., & KARABATAK, S. (2022). The Mediator Effect of Stress on Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 230–242.


