Review of Two-tier Tests in the Studies: Creating a New Pathway for Development of Two-tier Tests

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  • Okan Sıbıç
  • Behiye AKÇAY
  • Merve ARIK



Meta-analysis, Misconception, Science Education, Two-tier Tests


One of the diagnostic tests which is very valuable and used in education frequently is two-tier test. Two-tier tests are used for different purposes such as determining misconceptions, determining the comprehension level of students and etc.. Due to the wide and effective uses of two-tier tests, there are different studies in which two-tier tests are developed in science education. The aim of the present study is to review the studies in which two-tier tests are developed and used in different study and sample settings. Additionally, development steps of two-tier tests have been examined in depth. Through this review study, samples and subjects’ areas to whom and which two-tier tests are applied; the style of the two-tier tests and development process of the tests have been examined heedfully. As a result of in-depth examinations of the studies, a new and effective way for developing two-tier tests is proposed at the final phase of the study.

Author Biographies

Okan Sıbıç

Corresponding Author: Okan Sıbıç,


Behiye AKÇAY

Behiye AKÇAY

Merve ARIK

Merve ARIK 


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How to Cite

Sıbıç, O., AKÇAY, B., & ARIK, M. (2022). Review of Two-tier Tests in the Studies: Creating a New Pathway for Development of Two-tier Tests. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 81–98.


