Adaptation of Maker-Based Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (Maker-TPACK) to Turkish for pre-service science teachers

Maker-based TPACK

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Technological pedagogical content knowledge, Maker movement, Digital production tools, Pre-service teachers, Scale adaptation.


The aim of the study is to adapt the “Maker-Based Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge” scale developed by Ku, Loh, Lin, and Williams (2021) for pre-service science teachers into Turkish. The study group of the research consists of 188 pre-service science teachers studying at the Department of Science Education at three state universities in Istanbul. This study was carried out using exploratory sequential design, one of the mixed method typologies.  As a result of confirmatory factor analyses, it was seen that the scale, which was adapted into Turkish, consisted of 7 sub-dimensions and 27 items, as in the original. These 7 sub-dimensions consist of Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient of the scale is .948. 

Author Biography

Behiye Akçay, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa

Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi

Department of Science Education


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How to Cite

Akçay, B., Aslangiray, H., Özyalçın, B., & Keleş, F. (2023). Adaptation of Maker-Based Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (Maker-TPACK) to Turkish for pre-service science teachers: Maker-based TPACK. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(4), 1011–1024.


